Empowering Small Businesses and Solopreneurs with Expert Marketing Solutions.

We specialize in leveraging ads and local SEO to help you sell your products/services, stay top of mind, plan strategically, and measure performance accurately for increased impact and profit.

"With record speed and maximum efficiency, Talia was able to help me identify some key areas to improve the ROI on my FB ad campaigns. She helped me organize my data in the right way and see some things that I hadn’t even thought of. I went from feeling like “forget it, I think I should just give up on even advertising on Facebook” to having hope that I could find and implement some ways to get profitable again. I feel hopeful and positive now and have some solid tools to work with."
The Belly Dance Solution, USA
"Running ads can be like riding a rollercoaster if you don't know what you're doing. And that's why I love turning to Talia for help with my ads. She is an ads pro and super generous with her knowledge. We hopped on a call together, she took a look at my campaigns, my data, and provided such helpful advice to improve my ROAS. The strategy she provides is always data driven, insightful, and up to date. I highly recommend working with her."
Business Mom Collective, USA

Your ads are the just tip of the marketing iceberg.

Perfecting Your Offer: The Key to Profitable Ads

Nailing your offer is the foundation of a successful ad campaign. Without a compelling offer, even the best ads can’t save a product that lacks demand. It’s essential to ensure your offer resonates with your target audience; otherwise, your advertising budget might as well be flushed down the toilet. 

As Alex Hormozi says “Make an offer so good people would feel stupid saying no”.

Launching into Paid Ads: Where to Start?

You’re aware that paid ads are the next leap for your business growth, but where do you begin? The key is to start with a clear understanding of your goals, target audience, and budget. From there, you can explore platforms like Facebook or Google Ads, and consider testing with small campaigns to gauge effectiveness. It’s all about taking that first step with confidence and a strategic mindset.

You’ve tried ads in the past but they didn’t work

Revisiting past ad challenges: It might not be you, it might be the strategy.

You’ve dabbled in ads before, but things didn’t go as planned. Now you’re left questioning whether your products are simply not cut out for advertising or if it was a gap in your understanding that led to the underwhelming results. 

But don’t be too quick to blame yourself or your offerings. 

Sometimes, it’s the strategy that needs a tune-up, not the product or the marketer but truthfully we won’t know until we analyse what went wrong. The data doesn’t lie. 

Let’s take a closer look at what went wrong and how we can pivot for a more successful ad campaign next time.


Connecting Your Product with Your Ideal Customers

You’ve crafted the perfect offer that your market is craving. What’s next?

How do you zero in on your ideal customers on Facebook? Is your product a match for Pinterest ads? Let’s dive into testing and uncover the best strategies to reach your audience.

No Need to Sell a Kidney for Quality Marketing

You’ve been itching to jump into the ad game for ages, but let’s face it – hiring a top-notch marketing agency feels like you’d need to sell a kidney to afford it. The risk seems even higher when you’re not quite sure what you’re doing. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to take such drastic measures. There are ways to get your feet wet in advertising without breaking the bank or resorting to organ sales. Let’s explore some budget-friendly strategies to start your ad journey with confidence and keep all your vital organs intact.

Navigating the Follow-Up: Beyond the Initial Sale

You’re all set to kick off your ad campaign, but there’s a nagging concern about the complexities of your marketing strategy.

What comes next after you’ve successfully made a sale? 

How can you boost the lifetime value of your customers?

These are crucial questions, as the journey doesn’t end with a purchase. It’s about nurturing that relationship and turning one-time buyers into loyal fans. 

Let’s explore strategies to keep your customers engaged and maximize their value over time. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen companies excel in their front-end campaigns but fail spectacularly in the follow-up, resulting in wasted marketing dollars. Don’t be one of those businesses. The real magic happens when you master the art of the follow-up and nail your customer service.


The era of mediocre products winning big with just a few Facebook ads is over. While those days had their charm and were wildly profitable, replicating that success now requires a well-crafted and executed marketing strategy that covers all the bases.

Hi, I'm Talia.

I’ve been in the digital marketing space since 2017. In that time, I have worked as the interim CEO at a multi-million dollar online education company for one and a half years, been in the position of marketing manager for two high seven-figure companies, started my own company, and managed over seven million dollars in adspend across multiple accounts specialising in ads for info products, courses, coaches and consultants.

 I now run done-for-you services via my boutique agency for a handful of exclusive clients and teach women-owned businesses, entrepreneurs, side hustlers and DIY start-ups how to run Facebook and Pinterest ads. 

In addition to teaching the technical side of ads, I also practice and teach holistic marketing. Focusing on how your entire marketing ecosystem affects your sales and what you could be doing to gain more clarity in your marketing and long term strategy. 



  • We’ll train you or your in house ads manager to make the best decisions for YOUR business. So you can get a positive return on your investment in your time or your employees time. 
  • Learn the technical side of running ads, and also how to think outside the box and get creative so you can refine, optimize and stay on top of your game and your competition.
  • Unfortunately in today’s world, it’s not enough to rely on only one ad platform. Learn to be on top of your entire strategy so you can prioritize your top three income streams making you the most profit and bringing in the most financial longevity.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

- Lao Tzu

How the magic happens:


ADvisory: Fast-Track Your Facebook Ad Success

Unlock the power of Facebook Ads with ADvisory, a comprehensive program tailored for coaches, consultants, and service providers.

 Learn from Jody Milward, a seasoned expert, as she guides you through a six-step framework to create winning ad campaigns.

AD NERDS VIP Experience

Tailored 1:1 Coaching for Go-Getter Business Owners

Revolutionise your ad strategy with the AD NERDS VIP Experience, designed exclusively for ambitious business owners ready to take action.


Step into the spotlight with Violet Bear Marketing’s exclusive done-for-you services. We open our doors only occasionally because we’re all about quality, not quantity.

What people are saying

"There are many so-called Facebook experts out there – some of whom I have unfortunately been seduced by with little to no success to show for it.

This is where Talia is SO different.

She teaches you the strategies and tactics she not only uses for her clients but in her own business as well. This is how you know the advice she gives, and the techniques she shows you when it comes to implementing your campaign, are your absolute best chance of success.

I learned more from Talia - and had more success - in two months than I had over a much longer period with some far higher profile and “highly respected” FB experts. She is now my “go-to” person for Facebook ad guidance, and I will always go back to her when I need help.

Talia is authentic, knowledgeable, and has been an unbelievable asset to my business."

Boost Sales, South Africa
"I am blown away with Talia’s ability to take something and run with it. Her knowledge of the whole customer journey especially when it comes to Facebook ads, getting the relevant ads in front of the relevant people at the right time. She’s like “we’ll not sleep” if her client’s ads were not working. The level of commitment that she puts in is like second to none. She certainly knows her stuff. It was so great to have her expertise to just go through, and she knew all the ins and outs as well. You better snap her up fast because people like Talia are really hard to find.
Jody Milward
The Elite Ads Manager, Australia
"Talia is AMAZING, her strategy and creativity are next level. Her commitment to getting her clients success is outstanding. She will be your secret weapon to getting the results you desire."
Kara Charron
Kara Charron, Canada

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